It just feels like I've hit a wall and the "force" (hyperbolically) is what I feel is next. The thing is, VeeGee has kind of hit this wall before in her other therapeutic areas (speech, other OT issues, and PT). At a certain point, we had to start limiting her choices and eliminating the option for refusal - not because she couldn't do something, but because she figured out that we'd let it slide if she chose the NO option. Believe me, I'm a sucker for this kiddo, particularly because of her past beyond her medical issues, and I don't force anything - have actually fired therapists who did try that.
Regarding the shudder - that is a response that she has to a lot of sensory stimuli. If she gets something sticky on her hand, she'll shudder. It's kind of a "Oh God, get this off of me!!!" kind of response. I wasn't at all surprised to see it with the food. We are working on desensitization through brushing and input of different textures.
So, here's the good news! After only four of these "meals" - three bites each - she opened her mouth all the way without any extended point-counterpoint. And swallowed!!!! Yep, I said it, swallowed (that is something I cannot force, no matter what!!!!) So, two meals running @ 4 bites each, she's done that. And then off to Dora . . . .
I think this issue, for me, is about listening and watching VeeGee to determine for her, when she can't for herself, when it's time to move to the next step. I have to do this in every area of her life. I'm pretty excited about this decision because it is such a huge thing for her. She hates hates hates hates the tube - wails and cries when it's time for it. I don't think that a bit of coercion in the direction away from it can be a bad thing.
It's tough knowing the best thing, isn't it? And, who knows, this might not last. I just felt like I'd be doing her a disservice to not try. It just feels like I've hit a wall and the "force" (hyperbolically) is what I feel is next. The thing is, she has kind of hit this wall before in her other therapeutic areas (speech, other OT issues, and PT). At a certain point, we had to start limiting her choices and eliminating the option for refusal - not because she couldn't do something, but because she figured out that we'd let it slide if she chose the NO option. Believe me, I'm a sucker for this kiddo, particularly because of her past beyond her medical issues, and I don't force anything - have actually fired therapists who did try that.
Regarding the shudder - that is a response that she has to a lot of sensory stimuli. If she gets something sticky on her hand, she'll shudder. It's kind of a "Oh God, get this off of me!!!" kind of response. I wasn't at all surprised to see it with the food. We are working on desensitization through brushing and input of different textures.
Grace has a pretty bad cold this morning, so we're going to go easy with this - but still press on. I think consistency is going to be key (it always is, right?!).
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2 years ago
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